Which Of These Is You?

I write code. I need to find & fix security vulnerabilities in my software easily & quickly

I'm a leader. I want to track how quickly we are finding & fixing security holes in our software

Cyber Chief automates AppSec to help you shift left

On-Demand web application vulnerability testing

For dev teams that don't feel like quarterly pentests are enough

Cyber Chief helps dev teams shift left so that you can fix vulnerabilities before each new release hits prod - instead of once or twice a year when your pentest vendor is free.

For software leaders that want to be doing "more than the basics" of AppSec

If you've outgrown traditional application security practices then Cyber Chief can help you get to the next level by shifting left and running automated security tests from your CI/CD pipelines.

What Do You Want To Learn More About?

How to run web app security scans from CI/CD pipelines

How to fix API security vulnerabilities while yu build them

How to automate cloud security posture management

Love that moment when your app has 0 critical issues to fix

On-Demand web application vulnerability scanning

Transform your devs into secure coding gurus without wasting money on security training courses

Most tools will find vulnerabilities. Only Cyber Chief gives your devs detailed fixes and On-Demand Security Coaching from our AppSec coaches so they can have their questions answered by human experts.

Eliminate the need to call your vendor to understand your security posture

You'll know your apps, APIs & cloud platform have 0 critical vulnerabilities because you'll be able to see it on on Cyber Chief's intuitive dashboard. The best part is that you'll be able to explain your ROI to your boss by showing them how you're tracking against key metrics.

Do You Prefer Light Reading Material?

Learn more about Cyber Chief's capabilities

Learn more about AppSec best practices

10-week guide to fortifying API security

Get an automated application security tool, with a human touch

Works with your existing software development tech stack

Cyber Chief has integrations with all common component of modern software dev tech stacks: Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Github, Gitlab, Jira and more. This means that you'll find it infintely easier to make web app, API and cloud security a natural part of your software deployment workflow that can't be easily forgotten.

Save $280k+ in salary costs of security experts

Because your dev team becomes security-self-sufficient after you add Cyber Chief to your software development tech stack, you gain the freedom to invest in other priority areas. It is a rare, but real, win-win situation for your team, your customers and your bottom line.

Turn your CEO into a fan by helping them close deals faster

On-Demand web application vulnerability scanning

Show off credible & verifiable security reports in under 30 seconds

Eliminate moments where going through a pentest means falling weeks behind your release schedule. Cyber Chief's credibility and certifications mean that the reports you give your customers will help you build trust faster and sell 2x more.

Infuriate competitors by poaching their enterprise customers

Aberdeen Research proves that companies with mature AppSec practices grow revenue over 2x faster than competitors. With Cyber Chief you can build trust faster with larger customers by proving that your SaaS is secure. More trust = shorter sales cycles & bigger deals.

Test Your Security Current Posture

Use this free tool to find & fix vulnerabilities that some legacy, big-brand tools miss

Tell Us How We Can Help You



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Friday, December 15, 2023